Gimme all your lovin' or I will kill you.
he drives a g wagon
and he looks just like my dream
I been climbin' all his mountains
I been swimming all his seas
no matter what or how I tried
I couldn't get the man to fall in love with me
turns out he likes the girls with long and wavy hair
mine is short and kinky
I have lost my mind
c'mon and
gimme all your lovin'
or I will kill you
put one through your head
gimme all your lovin'
or I will kill you
and cry when you're dead
his whole body was shaking
and he holla'd when he fell to his knees
I held tighter to my ak
he said please please whatever you need
see I have searched the wide world
to find the peace for the war in me
don't wanna look no further
but you refuse to give it to me
and I have lost my mind
c'mon and
gimme all your lovin'
or I will kill you
put one through your head
gimme all your lovin'
or I will kill you
and cry when you're dead
it's amazing what a gun to the head can do
my baby loves me now as hard as he can
my methods may be suspect
but you gotta get love however you can
I have lost my mind!
Mjög alvarlega að íhuga að reyna þetta.
þriðjudagur, desember 03, 2002
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